
ALD info is a community driven project. Its strength lies in the sharing of information and the collaboration with many ALD experts with different fields of expertise.

We are very thankful to the following persons:


John Hirschbeck Memorial Fund (for funding the first version of the website).
Marcel Mattijssen (for funding the hosting of the website (1999 – 2003)).
Netherlands ALD Patient Organization (for funding several years of the hosting cost (2003 – 2012)).
Ted van Geest (GoedGedaan) (for sponsoring the hosting of the website (since 2012) and his continuous help with the website and all the other stuff that keeps a website functional & running).

Scientific contributions

Johanna Assies, M.D., Ph.D.
Wouter van Ballegoij, M.D.
Johannes Berger, Ph.D.
Virginie Bonnamain, Ph.D.
Marc Engelen, M.D., Ph.D.
Gabor Linthorst, M.D.
Ann Moser, B.A.
Hugo Moser, M.D.
Charles Peters, M.D.
Gerald Raymond, M.D.
Rachel Salzman, D.V.M. Rachel Salzman, DVM (CSO, The Stop ALD Foundation)
Steven J Steinberg, Ph.D.
Björn van Geel, M.D., Ph.D.
Paul Watkins, M.D., Ph.D.
for their scientific contributions.

Translations to French, German and Spanish

Nerea Montedeoca Vázquez (Biomedicine student)
Cyntia Amorosi, Ph.D.
Alfried Kohlschütter M.D.
Elise Saunier Vivar, Ph.D. (European Leukodystrophy Foundation, ELA)
Carmen Sever (ELA España)

Last modified | 2019-03-13